"I have been a chiropractor since 1981 and practicing CranioSacral Therapy (CST) since 1986. I consider myself blessed to have had Dr. John Upledger, the founder, creator and developer of CranioSacral Therapy as my husband, teacher and mentor. My front row seat to the development of his work and long hours of discussion about CST proved invaluable in my practice. Together we worked at healing, teaching and treating patients, exchanging many hours of treatment. I created these classes for the opportunity to share knowledge, experience and my enthusiasm for this work with others."
– Dr. Lisa Upledger
Would you and your fellow therapists like to study some of the aspects of CranioSacral Therapy in more depth? Create a class with the material you want covered. This can include anything from:
An appropriate class can be developed to address your selected issues in depth. Class length can be between one and three days, limited to a maximum of four therapists, to provide adequate individual instruction. Fee is dependent on the number of days. For further information contact Dr. Lisa Upledger at 561-267-4156.