Learn what an experienced craniosacral therapist is feeling and thinking during live CST treatment sessions in this unique, interactive workshop with Dr. Lisa Upledger. Throughout the one- or two-day symposium, volunteers will be selected from attending therapists to receive CST treatment sessions by Dr. Lisa. During these sessions she will explain step-by-step the process of a typical treatment session: what she is actually feeling; how she assesses what she is feeling; and how she responds with the appropriate treatment. Dr. Lisa will cover the benefits of palpating and treating the CranioSacral system and how it can produce improved function and more rapid healing in the patient. Following each treatment session there will be ample time for Q&A. This is a one-of-a-kind CST learning opportunity with an experienced CST practitioner and Chiropractor. No pre-requisite is required. This interactive workshop is open to anyone who may be considering further training in the field of CranioSacral Therapy.
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